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A tribute from the Trotskyists from San Pablo


Dear comrade Roque

With great sadness we have received the news of your decease.
Today we say goodbye to a young Trotskyist leader who gave his life for the cause of Socialism and struggled under the legacy of the Fourth International of 1938. RS, fighting against the renegades that usurp the banners of Trotskyism, fought for giving a program to achieve victory to the new generations that enter to the fight.
With only 28 years, and fighting during his last 11 years of conscious life, The Comrade understood that the fight for re-founding the Fourth International is the fight for which every worker and youth has the task of giving its life for the victory of revolution.
We find it very hard to say good bye to you at such early age. We are aware that you gave all your potential as a Trotskyist leader until the last second of your life, fighting with the International Coordination Secretariat, for giving the proletariat and the youth a program to win. This fight today lives in the barricades of France.
You were a great revolutionary, mainly because you understood that without an international centre, every current, even if it is the most revolutionary in its country, sooner than later will degenerate and betray in the worst of the national Trotskyisms. Fighting for setting up an international centre, you gave until the last second of your life.
You gave your youth to the cause of the international proletariat and the cause of the Peruvian proletariat, fighting side by side with the workers, poor peasants and militant youth of the deep Peru, to which the entire world left turned their backs on them and sold it out to repression and jail of the Fujimori-ist regime and the murderous government of Alan Garcia.
Your militant life has left a great lesson, when we fought against the Stalinist amalgams of the social-imperialist parties together which for the sole fact that you agreed and embraced the program of the former COTPCI they treated you as “crazy”. A whole generation was shaped in revolutionary principles and moral under these lessons. We broke from these parties together and with draw a river of blood between Trotskyism and Stalinism. Together we cry: “Let the Menshevik do their party; the Bolsheviks will do ours!”
Comrade Roque, new generations enter into the fight. If these generations are not entering into the fight with empty hands, is because in previous years there were revolutionary youth, as you, who merged with a handful of internationalists, starting to break the isolation and fighting for re-uniting the strings of continuity to give the proletariat a program to achieve victory.
From San Pablo, we pay tribute to a young revolutionary leader that gave his life for the cause of the international proletariat. We dry out our tears. We’ll move forward, because we are the generation that has defined that lives for the movement and not from the movement.

Comrade Roque, together we have fought against the treacherous leaderships that subordinate the working class to the bourgeoisie, just as LIT, PSOL, CONCLAT did a few months ago, as they did in Madrid, USA and they are ready to do so in Tokyo.
The best tribute we can pay to you, comrade, is to keep us steady in our strategy, not to lower the program, to keep our steady fight against the treacherous leaderships, to continue fighting to give the working class the leadership it deserves: the Fourth International re-founded, under the legacy and program of 1938.

Comrade Roque Sanchez: Till socialism, always! Forward to the victory of international socialist revolution! Long live the fight for the re-foundation of the Fourth International!
Hu and MT

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